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The Power of Three Perspectives: Client, Work or Craft, and Business Advocate

In the landscape of leadership, it is crucial to recognize that successful decision-making requires a multifaceted approach. In today's dynamic world, where businesses MUST balance the needs of their clients, employees, and their own sustainability, the concept of having three distinct perspectives at the leadership table has gained significance. This is a methodology we stand behind as it has taken me personally through many complex decisions with large impact, across many teams, executive to entry level. It also allows leaders a chance to make sure all respected perspectives are taken into consideration.

These perspectives, represented by the Client Advocate, Work or Craft Advocate, and Business Advocate, create a balanced and harmonious environment where critical decisions are made. Let's explore why these three perspectives are vital for effective leadership. We break it down below as well as provide an easy to digest Pros and Cons table for review.

1. The Client Advocate

The Client Advocate is the voice of the customers and clients who rely on your products or services. Their role is to ensure that your offerings meet or exceed client expectations, creating lasting relationships and fostering loyalty. These advocate titles typically are held by the Account or Client Services departments in many businesses. Here's why their perspective is invaluable:

a) Customer-Centric Approach: The Client Advocate prioritizes customer satisfaction above all else. They gather feedback, analyze trends, and advocate for changes that will enhance the customer experience. This focus is instrumental in building a strong brand reputation and driving revenue growth.

b) Market Insights: By closely monitoring client needs and market trends, the Client Advocate keeps the leadership team informed about emerging opportunities and threats. This proactive approach ensures the business stays ahead of the curve and adapts to changing circumstances.

c) Ethical Decision-Making: Clients often look to align with businesses that share their values and ethics. The Client Advocate helps leadership make ethically sound decisions, which can lead to stronger customer loyalty and trust.

Leadership business decisions
Leadership Trifecta of Advocates at the table

2. The Work OR The Craft Advocate

The Work Advocate can represent the employees and the workforce, while the Craft Advocate represents the output that these employees produce. We'll break these both down here, but pending the topics at the round table, there is only a need for one or the other.

The Work Advocate champions the well-being of the people who bring the company's vision to life. Here's why their perspective is crucial:

a) Employee Engagement: A motivated and engaged workforce is key to achieving organizational goals. The Work Advocate ensures that employees feel heard and valued, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

b) Talent Attraction and Retention: Companies with a reputation for caring about their employees attract top talent. The Work Advocate's focus on work-life balance, professional development, and a positive work environment can be a powerful recruiting tool.

c) Conflict Resolution: In any organization, conflicts can arise. The Work Advocate plays a pivotal role in resolving disputes, maintaining a harmonious workplace, and preventing issues from escalating.

The Craft Advocate reinforces the meticulous level of detail that goes into producing the product or service - what corners can be cut versus what the mandatory features are. These advocates are typically within heavily creative products requiring a number of hands and skills to create the ideal output. Here's why their seat at the table is important:

a) Quality threshold: Brands need a quality bar set as foundational standard, and while all teams are together in the march to maintain this quality - it's the Craft Advocate that see's to it. The Craft Advocate ensures that each designed asset is completed at or above the quality bar, set by the business and expected by the client.

b) Strategic follow-through: Project details can be overwhelming, and a moving target if custom built / built within an agile system. The Craft Advocate leads the project/product deliverables while staying close to the strategy at hand. Strategy is defined based on objectives, and if there is an unplanned or unforeseen misstep then money and reason for the project - is put at risk. The Craft Advocate keeps strategy and production in lockstep.

c) Added value per output objectives: Added value isn't always a planned part of the strategy. The Craft Advocate however, plays a vital role in critically thinking through parts and portions of the product that can elevate the outcome with little to no impact on budget or time.

3. The Business Advocate

The Business Advocate is responsible for the organization's overall health and sustainability. They focus on the financial aspects, long-term strategy, and ensuring that the business remains profitable. Here's why their perspective is essential:

a) Financial Stability: Ultimately, a business must be financially stable to serve its clients and employees effectively. The Business Advocate ensures that decisions align with the company's financial goals, preventing overextension and instability.

b) Strategic Planning: Long-term success depends on a well-defined strategy. The Business Advocate works to create and execute strategic plans that ensure the company's continued growth and adaptability in a competitive marketplace.

c) Risk Management: Every decision carries inherent risks. The Business Advocate assesses these risks and advises on how to mitigate them, ensuring the company's long-term viability.




  • Speaks on and negotiates on behalf of Client wants

  • Weighs decisions largely with Client objectives in mind

  • Creates a positive rapport with the Client based on trust that has Client's consistently returning

  • Can lose site of business profit margins in an attempt to appease Client

  • Puts the internal project constraints at risk if decisions aren't vetted properly

  • Personal rifts within the teams if balance is not carefully communicated


  • High retention with happy staff members feeling seen

  • Consistent Client teams

  • Stable, turnkey processes

  • Risk of overemphasizing standards rather than opportunity to evolve into new/better standards

  • Deprioritization of important production needs that would largely benefit a project's objective


  • Produced deliverables on strategy, per objectives

  • Consistency in high-quality output and the reputation that follows this

  • Superior added value options included at little to no cost to the business (and may be a high impact win for the Client)

  • ​Overages in costs for features input that are not needed or strategically on point in the name of quality

  • Time deficit for added value decisions made that increased time it takes to create/execute final deliverables

  • Creative liberties can span past acceptable levels when seeking portfolio worthy deliverable


  • Client expectations are met and the project remains profitable, as planned

  • Resources utilized see processes as streamlined and critically thought through on their behalf, raising trust and a level of fulfillment

  • Risk adversity is increased to a comfortable level due to transparency of Company values playing out as expected

  • Missed opportunities in added value due to perceived or realistic impact (scope creep or gold plating)

  • Quality is at risk if decisions made for business (cost/time/scope implications) overstep production needs

  • ​Client may view Company as rigid or stingy with non-agile processes if communications and decisions make it to stakeholder ears

In the complex world of leadership, having three distinct perspectives at the table - the Client Advocate, the Work Advocate or Craft Advocate, and the Business Advocate - is crucial. Together, they create a balanced approach that considers the needs of clients, employees, output, and the organization itself. This balanced approach not only fosters a healthier work environment but also leads to better decision-making, stronger customer relationships, and sustainable business growth.

There will likely be a power struggle when making decisions on projects when these Advocates are at the table. Each have important value to make sure their perspective and reasoning gets seen and understood by all. The final 'shot-caller' will need to be a person of stature and a tact facilitator with the ability to acknowledge the importance of each Advocate at the table, weighing all and coming to a final decision based on the Client's expectations and the Company's abilities.

Teams and leaders who understand the importance of these three perspectives are better equipped to navigate the challenges of today's business landscape and position their organizations for long-term success. In an era where empathy, agility, and adaptability are prized leadership traits, embracing these three advocates can be the key to thriving in an ever-changing world.

kpc creative has provided training to agencies and can deliver the same to businesses when needed. Clarity in decision making is key specifically when, culturally, transparency and respect in how decisions are made within a company are of value.

If you'd like more information on how to facilitate, let us know!


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